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December 07, 2021

All Kelvin Coats heated apparel boasts carbon fiber heating technology developed to keep those who love the great outdoors warm regardless of their environment. Carbon fiber has been used within numerous industries, offering fabric alternatives created to weather the most intense elements. Our carbon fiber jackets and outerwear effortlessly combine fashion with function, with an advanced design woven within each Kelvin Coats piece. But what is carbon fiber, and how does it affect the integrity of our clothing options?

In this article, we’ll explore the emerging technology of carbon fiber and how it’s been used within the textiles industry to create heated apparel that is both innovative and fashionable.

What is Carbon Fiber?

To put it simply, carbon fiber is a fiber made from carbon atoms, consisting of 90% or more carbon elements. Carbon fiber is developed into a fabric with a unique carbonization process in which organic fibers are placed under high temperature and gastric conditions. Carbon is an incredibly light material that naturally absorbs energy, making it an ideal ingredient for materials that need to be lightweight yet as durable as possible. This makes carbon fiber a great material for fabrics within outerwear, as its protective and strong nature make it great for weathering extreme conditions, whether it’s rain or heat.

How Hot Can Carbon Fiber Get?

One of the most prominent characteristics of carbon fiber is its ability to withstand heat, which is why it’s so commonly used within heating technologies such as Kelvin Coats heated apparel. In terms of determining how hot carbon fiber can get, the surrounding fabrics and materials often play the biggest role. Some forms of carbon fiber can withstand 212 ℉, while more reinforced products can take on temperatures above 3632 ℉. The thermal conductivity of carbon fiber is why it’s often used within some of the most advanced technologies, from space shuttle parts to prosthetic limbs.

Why is Carbon Fiber Clothing Popular?

Carbon’s heat-resisting properties have led carbon fiber to become a go-to fabric for heated apparel. These emerging technologies create innovative ways for staying warm outside with heating technologies within coats and jackets. Let’s explore some of the reasons carbon fiber apparel is becoming so popular within modern industries.

Thermally Conductive

A huge concern for anyone interested in heated apparel is how a jacket or coat can be heated while not burning the person wearing it. Carbon fiber is often used in heated apparel to prevent heating technologies from damaging exterior materials, and carbon fiber’s low thermal expansion allows the jacket to not shrink or expand under certain weather conditions.

Lightweight Material

One might assume that since carbon fiber is used as an alternative to some of the most durable materials that it would be very heavy, but this couldn’t be further away from the truth. Aluminum is twice as heavy as carbon fiber while steel is five times as heavy. That being said, carbon fiber apparel is designed with carbon fibers so thin that the material is still noticeable lightweight.

Machine Washable

When it comes to despising deteriorating fabrics, carbon fiber apparel is a great solution. The exceptional tensile strength of carbon fiber apparel makes the product machine-washable without any worry of being harmed during the wash cycle.

Durable Fabrics

When choosing outdoor gear or outerwear, it’s important to choose apparel that is durable so that the piece will not become damaged with repeated use. Carbon fiber clothing is chemically resistant against corrosion and rust, making it a trusted material for those who want reliable protective gear.

Find Heated Apparel with Carbon Fiber Technology at Kelvin Coats

At Kelvin Coats, we understand the value of choosing carbon fiber technology for all our heated apparel selection. As a provenly durable and lightweight fabric, we’ve embraced and appreciated the future of carbon fiber technology within any industry. Explore Kelvin’s heated outerwear to take a step toward the future of the fashion industry.